User Manual

Simple example of the library

Let’s try to test the simplest example possible:

package com.nikolavp.approval.example;

 * User: nikolavp
 * Date: 19/03/14
 * Time: 19:16
public class SimpleExample {
    public static String generateHtml(String pageTitle) {
        return String.format("<!DOCTYPE html>\n" +
                "<html lang=\"en\">\n" +
                "<head>\n" +
                "   <title>%s</title>\n" +
                "<meta charset=\"utf-8\"/>\n" +
                "<link href=\"css/myscript.css\"\n" +
                "      rel=\"stylesheet\"/>\n" +
                "<script src=\"scripts/myscript.js\">\n" +
                "</script>\n" +
                "</head>\n" +
                "<body>\n" +
                "...\n" +
                "</body>\n" +
                "</html>", pageTitle);

now this class is not rocket science and if we want to test getResult(), we would something like the following in JUnit:

package com.nikolavp.approval.example;

import org.junit.Test;

import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;

 * User: nikolavp
 * Date: 19/03/14
 * Time: 19:17
public class SimpleExampleTest {

    public void shouldReturnSomethingToTestOut() throws Exception {
        String title = "myTitle";
        String expected = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n" +
                "<html lang=\"en\">\n" +
                "<head>\n" +
                "   <title>" + title +"</title>\n" +
                "<meta charset=\"utf-8\"/>\n" +
                "<link href=\"css/myscript.css\"\n" +
                "      rel=\"stylesheet\"/>\n" +
                "<script src=\"scripts/myscript.js\">\n" +
                "</script>\n" +
                "</head>\n" +
                "<body>\n" +
                "...\n" +
                "</body>\n" +

        String actual = SimpleExample.generateHtml(title);

        assertThat(actual, equalTo(expected));

this is quite terse and short. Can we do better? Actually approval is not any shorter:

package com.nikolavp.approval.example;

import com.nikolavp.approval.Approval;
import com.nikolavp.approval.reporters.Reporters;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.nio.file.Paths;

 * User: nikolavp
 * Date: 19/03/14
 * Time: 18:11
public class SimpleExampleApprovalTest {

    public void shouldReturnSomethingToTestOut() throws Exception {
        Approval<String> approver = Approval.of(String.class)
        String title = "myTitle";

        String actual = SimpleExample.generateHtml(title);

        approver.verify(actual, Paths.get("./test.txt"));

this is not the best example